This is what 23 tons of gravel and one excited natural builder looks like:
We had to put some of this gravel into the trench, on top of the drain pipe, then 'tamp' it down. I made 'tampers' out of logs, and put handles on them. You lift up the log and smash it down on the gravel... over and over. Melissa is a very good tamper. How 'bout them guns?
I made a shorter, heavier one out of some Madrone, but one handle broke off as I was putting it in. They don't work as well with only one handle.
Here you can see the Eastern perimeter wall trench, with the first layer of gravel in, and tamped down. The waves in the wall will help it be more stable in case of an earthquake... and make it a more interesting dwelling.
Here you can see Melissa, tamping away on what would be the bathroom outer wall. (she's in the NW corner)