Wednesday, July 04, 2007

More Work on the Do-It-Yourself retaining wall

We've got a few more layers on the wall, and I thought I'd show how we have the horizontal rebar in:

you can see the verticals, and the current (2nd) horizontal. It's really a pain to stack the rocks on top of the rebar.

Here you can see how I've tied the horizontal to the verticals with stiff wire:

This is the northeast corner, that will eventually meet up with the stem wall/foundation of the house... so we've been stepping it back and leaving the rebar stick out so we can attach it without having a straight vertical line that would crack right off in an earthquake. Yes, I will probably scrape my shin on that rebar sooner or later....

you can also see how we've got gravel underneath the wall (with 4 inch drainpipe) and how we're putting gravel behind the wall as well. drainage drainage drainage!

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Design Mistakes in my cob house

So, I have long meant to create a list of mistakes I made when designing the finishings on our house.  Now that we've lived in it for a ...