Sunday, June 17, 2007

We started building the earth oven!

We had a wonderful visit from Kayun, who helped us start the earthen oven project, and had a great camera that allowed us to document more than usual. (it helps that Kayun is a professional photographer)

The first thing you do (after the foundation work, which was posted earlier) is build a sand mound that will be 'the void' of the oven. Here's Melissa getting that started:

Kayun and Tys have a hard time believing that the sand 'void' needs to be 18 inches tall. We finally got up to our mark on the board.

Then we started the mud mixing, the old fashioned way: with feet. This will be the same basic plan for how we'll build the walls of our house.

We got the first layer onto the sand, and smoothed it out a bit,

so we could scratch it up again, so the next layer will adhere to it. That's the door carved in, so it won't be too hard to take off later.

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