Monday, March 12, 2007

So we rented a bobcat....

Tired of second-guessing the pros and wondering how hard this stuff could be, and wanting to get something done, I rented a 3ft bucket bobcat last weekend, and invited Surfer Mike and Inventor Greg up to help drive it around and play.

Of course the Dodge did a great job of pulling the trailer up the hill, and on Saturday morning, we got started.

Wasn't too hard to get the engine going, and get it off the trailer. We all took turns getting used to it up on the flat ground, then turned it over to Surfer Mike for the first real run down the hill and to the house spot.

Turns out all guys make that same face when driving big machinery around.

I think Mike liked it too.

Once we got down to the house site, it became apparent pretty quickly that this bobcat wasn't quite big enough for the task. Here's Mike trying to dig a little tree out of the way.

After a while, we managed to figure out how to get it to pick up some dirt, but it wasn't exactly a quick process.

Here's Mike, supervising... something...

And Melissa, doing more supervising... you can start to see we've accomplished a little bit.

Actually, we did end up using hand tools quite a bit as well. Seems like every time I try and use some new tool, spend the money, learn about using it, spend more money on the fuel or time on getting a part... I end up realizing that you could have done it by hand.

You can see we did actually manage to make a bit of a dent in the side of the hill, but it's only about an eighth of what I had imagined we could have gotten done. ah well. it's a learning experience. And we had fun.

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