Friday, February 06, 2009

Still working in the Rain

It has been raining for a couple days now, so no construction work, but I still manage to get out and wear myself out. First thing this morning I went out and took down a big old dead tree just a little below the yurt. It'll probably be the last firewood cutting for this winter. Now I get to split and stack it. Firewood: warms you 5 times. once when you cut it down, once when you move it, once when you split it, once when you stack it, once when you burn it.

Also, during the last rainy weather (3 weeks ago?) I spent a bunch of time clearing out the small brush down the hill from the yurt, to take down some fire danger. Since it's just more woods back down there, and there's no wind that comes from that direction, I decided it'd be a good idea. Now you can see quite a ways down there.

And, speaking of fire danger, I took a few small redwoods out from just north of the house today as well. We'll use the trunks in the construction, but all the branches have to be picked up and hauled somewhere. I'm hoping to get my neighbor's big chipper.

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