Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Side Projects

While I'm 'taking it easy' because I'm sick, I'm doing some smaller projects that don't include a lot of lifting and sweating.

I made a 'first try' window frame to see how hard it would be to make new frames for the old windows I scavenged from our place in San Francisco. It was a fun project, but I didn't do that great of a job.

The main problem being I didn't make all the joints at the corners exactly square to each other:
Another tricky bit was the center piece, which I did with a through mortis, and probably didn't need to:
the finished thing does look pretty good, until you try to lay it flat. It's got about a half inch curve:

I've also started the process of putting together and gluing the drain pipe for the bathroom sink. I want to put a good vent on the thing, so we won't have any gurgling when air is trying to get out of other drains (the kitchen sink). This vent will also be a way to do a quick wash out if necessary. I can just put a hose into the verticle pipe and flush out any gunk in the drain system.
You can see the two board with a piece of white-ish plywood on them. That will be the box that surrounds this set up so that if there's ever a problem, this joint section of the pipe won't be buried.


KDmathews said...

After reading your blog and watching your progress over the past year... Just like to say great job.

I thought of you both today and the special partnership you seem to have as a couple. Truly as a Journeyman Cabinetmaker & Contractor it is rare for me to see a team work so well together... given all the two of you are doing & your temporary home.

Gives me encouragement that I have found the right woman in my life and our ability to do anything together.

Any special secrets, (not on the house) on the relationship?

The Virginian

Tys said...


First, let me say 'how embarassing to have a cabinetmaker looking at my site the day I post about trying to make some joints for a window. ouch.'

Second, thanks for the good words.

Third, to answer your question about our relationship: the truth is, I'm a saint.

ha! just kidding. I don't think I'm qualified to answer much. She's really positive, and not at all the typical 'girly' woman. She's lived in Africa, camped in the Nevada desert for months at a time... in other words, having a woman who can take care of herself and remain positive is about 92% of the job.
The other major thing is we are exactly in the same place about spending money - on the construction, and in life in general. (that is, we don't spend much) I think that solves a lot of potential problems.
Also, while we both have a sort of internal sense of urgency - wanting to see tasks completed - we don't have a strict schedule for this whole thing... we both see this as 'this is the life we're living, the only finish line is the end.' Without a looming worry about deadlines and schedules, it's not too hard to stay positive.

Glad you're enjoying the blog. Cheers,

Design Mistakes in my cob house

So, I have long meant to create a list of mistakes I made when designing the finishings on our house.  Now that we've lived in it for a ...