Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Talcott Visit 2009!

The Talcott's came to the mountain for fun and work, and boy, did we have a bunch of both! Here's the whole family sitting on the future living room bench, looking like they're ready to work:

One of the first things we did was flatten out the 'patio' space in front of the earthen oven, so that it's more pleasant to sit there and eat pizza. (it is, we checked) Note Lisa and Michael supervising in the background.

Both Karl and Lisa and Michael! helped build the walls and make cob. We worked mainly on the southern kitchen wall, but we also did some work on the interior wall between the bathroom and the bedroom.

We also replastered the earthen oven, and Michael really helped us out on that project: he does a great job of wetting down the dry layer before we put the new stuff down. He actually wets down a lot of things, now that I think about it.

Karl did some detail work by getting us ready to figure out how far up the wall should come so we didn't mess up our counter height.
And, everyone got in on the act of making cob! No one can resist the squish between your toes!

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Design Mistakes in my cob house

So, I have long meant to create a list of mistakes I made when designing the finishings on our house.  Now that we've lived in it for a ...