Saturday, May 04, 2013

Product and Company Endorsement

This is, I think, a first for this blog, but I just thought it was worthy.  I want to give an endorsement to the company Camping Survival/JHL Supply for having the best prices on para-cord that I could find on the internet. 

I ordered 1000' a while back and it's just the best to have it around.  The stuff on their site is the real deal, with the 7 strands of 100% nylon.

And actually, I want to throw down my philosophy that every household should have a spool of this stuff.  As someone who uses rope and string regularly, it's an amazingly comforting feeling to know I have a lifetime supply on hand.  I just ordered some for a friend as a gift. Get yourself some!

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Design Mistakes in my cob house

So, I have long meant to create a list of mistakes I made when designing the finishings on our house.  Now that we've lived in it for a ...